Here's one more cool update that's now available:

When you're setting up a new album, you don't want to make it "live" until everything is ready.  Maybe you still need that logo, or the final audio file.  Hell, maybe you're just waiting for the official release date.

Bandwagon's albums now include a "publish" feature.  It's off by default, so the next *brand new* album that you set up will be "unpublished" by default -- so only you can see it (and not your fans).

Don't worry, we've made it pretty obvious when something's not published.

Once everything is ready, just click the "publish" button at the top of the album page and *poof* everything is live.

I hope this helps you guys (and girls?) out.  Keep letting me know what you need, and I'll do my best to keep up.

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