Ben Pate

Ben Pate

Thanks for giving a try. I'm here to help you out any way you need.
Denver, CO

Here's one more cool update that's now available:

When you're setting up a new album, you don't want to make it "live" until everything is ready.  Maybe you still need that logo, or the final audio file.  Hell, maybe you're just waiting for the official release date.

Bandwagon's albums now include a "publish" feature.  It's off by default, so the next *brand new* album that you set up will be "unpublished" by default -- so only you can see it (and not your fans).

Don't worry, we've made it pretty obvious when something's not published.

Once everything is ready, just click the "publish" button at the top of the album page and *poof* everything is live.

I hope this helps you guys (and girls?) out.  Keep letting me know what you need, and I'll do my best to keep up.
6 days ago

It looks like there was a problem with the new "signup" feature that prevented people from creating new profiles.  I'm sorry.  Fortunately, it's all resolved now, and signups are working great.  

So please tell your friends, families, and pets that they can finally put their music directly on the Fediverse.  I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes for everyone!
6 days ago

I've just finished one of the requests from the project tracker.  Now you can upload additional files alongside an album. They can be anything you'd like: liner notes, illustrations, .NAN files to let others remix your work (i'm such a noob, I have no idea how these work), or even a downloadable ZIP of every song.

Just go to one of your albums, then look on the left-hand side for the "Downloads" section. Click the little "upload" button and you're off to the races.
1 week ago

I'm experimenting with better ways to find music online.  It's nothing revolutionary (just yet) but check out the new "Discover" and "Artists" sections on

For now, they're just randomized lists, but this seed is already growing into something much larger and more beautiful.  What do you all think?
1 week ago

Hey everyone. Now that is getting pretty close to "launch" (whatever that is) I figured I should start communicating some status updates about the project.

What better place to do it than on the Fediverse itself, yeah?  I'll try to keep this space dedicated to Bandwagon (the open source app) and (the flagship hosting service that you all are trying out) and keep my other rants on other channels.

Thanks for taking the leap with me on this.  I love you guys.
2 weeks ago
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