Chronic Pentatonic

1.Chronic Pentatonic 54:20
2.Chronic Pentatonic (Unvarnished) 6:04

Album Notes

Originally released by Eg0cide Productions (France)

This piece started out as a looping exercise utilizing shifting pentatonic patterns. Over time, it transformed from live guitar playing to a construct of sound that was subsequently treated with a variety of effects. The result is a slowly evolving drone piece that serves up a good active or ambient listening experience.

The Bandcamp release included the initial multitrack mixdown that was made on 15 July 2013 before any treatments had been applied. Much more concise and raw, it shows the Steve Reich inspiration better than the final recording.

released May 10, 2014

Recorded July 2013 at Ritual Xul using treated loops created from raw guitar sounds

Recording approach inspired by Steve Reich

Artwork by Luciftias

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