Seafloor Sunrise

1.Seafloor Sunrise 51:56

Album Notes

I recorded this piece trying to get out of my comfort zone by deliberately avoiding guitar-based drones. The basic track came from experimenting with software-based synths and was subsequently modified using my usual techniques.

I’ve had the title “Seafloor Sunrise” for some time but hadn’t found the right fit for it until now. Ironically, it was inspired by lyrics from a guitar-based song: “Are You Experienced?” by Jimi Hendrix.

“If you can just get your mind together Then come on across to me We’ll hold hands an’ then we’ll watch the sun rise From the bottom of the sea”

released November 14, 2021

Recorded August 2021 using Yoshimi and Audacity on Debian 11. Additional manipulation and editing applied November 2021.

Cover art by Luciftias, based on a photo by Christina Spiliotopoulou on Unsplash ( Edited using Glimpse and Inkscape.

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