Constant 22

1.Constant 22 34:00

Album Notes

“Constant 22” has its roots in a chorale by J. S. Bach. The four vocal parts were programmed instead of sung with the resulting recording being further stretched and manipulated. Lastly, the entire piece has been enhanced with brainwave synchronization. When using headphones to listen to the recording, the left and right channels will, at first, appear to be somewhat “out of sync”. Over a period of time, the brain will synchronize the two signals thereby causing particular brainwaves to exist. Essentially, “Constant 22” uses science to affect the subconscious and gradually draw the listener into a state of relaxation.

“Constant” pieces are works of minimal drone that tend to use a “less is more” approach. The idea of these songs is to create the least possible ambient drone material necessary for listening. Mystified created the first “Constant” on Webbed Hand Records ( ). Several artists gave the theme their own spin at the TZP Drone Company ( ). Treetrunk Records has now begun exploring the “Constant” theme.

released January 14, 2009

Originally released by Treetrunk Records

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