Revelation Zero

1.Revelation Zero 16:50
2.Revelation Zero (RFF) 03:33

Album Notes

Created by way of a generative process involving AI-driven text-prompt artwork which is then converted to audio using the image2sound Python utility. “Revelation 0” is the first piece to be released using the “reveal” mode in version 0.5. Rather than the user choosing the key, tempo, etc., the image itself dictates the parameters based on the data within it, thus revealing the music within the way a sculptor reveals the statue within a block of stone.

Additional enhancements (e.g., reverb, fades, leveling) were added using Audacity.

Includes the edit heard on Radio Free Fedi! -

released August 4, 2023

Artwork created with and edited with GIMP and Inkscape

image2sound version 0.5 was used for the conversion process
