The Great Abstinence

1.Tintinnabulation 04:12
2.Thy Soul Shall Find Itself Alone 09:47
3.Night's Plutonian Shore 17:33
4.Horror, the Soul of the Plot 07:37
5.A Dream Within a Dream 08:14
6....(N)evermore 09:39
7.Bells, Bells, Bells 03:03

Album Notes

Inspired by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, “The Great Abstinence” was originally released digitally by Buddhist on Fire in February 2013 and given a limited edition CD release by Depressive Illusions Records in April 2014.

released February 13, 2013

  • All soundscapes invoked by Luciftias at Ritual Xul except as noted
  • Cover artwork based on “Whispers” by Catherine Beers © 2014